The focus on male reproductive organs and female urinary system, its functions, diseases and surgical are referred to as Urology. Classified under surgical speciality it is not only entailed in surgical procedure since possible clinical problems can be experienced during surgery hence knowledge of other medical branches is highly required.
As a medical branch, it has its other sub-classifications in Paediatric Urology, Female Urology, Neurology, Male infertility, renal transplantation, urinary tract stones and cancer. To be a Proficient urologist, one needs to have additional knowledge gynaecology, paediatrics and also medicine.
Since urological methods are constantly changing, traditional urological procedures have gradually been replaced with new generation’s methods. Technology has mostly created refinements and revolutionised the urinary tract stones therapy that works in conjunction with the extracorporeal lithotripters and ultimately most renal problems have now obsolete.
A surgical procedure it is, it falls by default that much care is taken while it pro and precedes. Nothing is left to chance as all equipment and tool are checked and confirmed for functionality and safety.
Drapes are one of the tools required for urological procedures and sure enough, they are specified. This is to mean not all kind of drapes can be used in this surgery type hence only urological drapes acceptable.
Urological drapes are specified to handle and manage the large amounts of fluids during the procedure. The drapes are to maintain a safe environment for the workers. Using the specified drapes makes procedures preparation easy and also come in handy incase of a quick turnaround of procedures.
In specification the Urological drapes have;
Fluid control features that efficiently controls and contains fluids hence reducing exposure to infectious body fluids for workers while keeping the patient dry.
Drapes are impervious to strike through, not to allow any fluids through reducing possible infections and maintains sterile environment.
Have loban incise feature which gives controlled and continuous antimicrobial activity during the procedures
A variety of the acceptable ones includes the Loban 2 antimicrobial incise drapes, basic surgical pack, cystoscopy surgical pack, perineal Aperture drape, gynaecological drape, TUR /urological drape, laparoscopic drape and more.
They come in specified packs that cover most body surgical procedures. The contents are packed and customised to match the required procedure this minimises waste and saves time.
Note that only team members should select the drape to use after a careful analysis and meeting of required standards. And the workers should adhere to standard rules on utilisation and handling of urological drapes during and after surgery.