The surgeons are those professional in the medical alliance that performs surgery. The surgery involves dissecting a patient’s body for repairing or removing the diseased or impaired organ. For a surgeon, prevention from falling victim to any infection is of crucial importance. There is a high jeopardy of contagiousness in the hospital premises. For that matter, hospital authorities and medical professionals adopt unremitting rigorous measures to assure hygiene and sterilization.
Surgery is the frightening prospects and after effect can be problematic. Infection is the biggest fear among individuals and can be of the incision or in the blood of a patient. If the infection is in blood the patient may feel tired, down and malaise. The infection that occurs after surgery in the part of body wherever the surgery took place refers to surgical site infection. The common symptoms doctor refers as the surgical site infections are as follows
• Redness and pain around the area where the person had injury
• Damage of cloudy fluid from patient surgical wound
• Fever
The surgeon gives the patient a set of instructions about how to treat the wound, and it is imperative that the patient follows these instructions to prevent infection. If anyone notices such symptoms mentioned must visit the health care or surgeon.
Role of surgeon after completion of surgery
The surgeon treats the surgical site infection with antibiotics. The antibiotic given to a patient depends on the bacteria (germs) causing the infection. Sometimes patients with SSI require another surgery to delicacy the infection. The function performed by the surgeon in order to cure the disease needs consideration and precautions. The precaution taken by surgeon is as follows:
• The surgeons outline all the possible risk and adverse side effects that come up with surgery and chance of infection after the completion of surgery.
• Cleaning the hand of patients and arms up to elbow with antiseptic agents to avoid infection
• After segregation, disposing of waste in specific color-coded plastic containers. Disposal of chemical wastes and cytotoxic drugs is in black containers and after chemical treatment securing in a land filling. Infected dressings are disposed of red containers and after autoclaving is burying deep.
• The surgeons will explain everything that patient wants to acquire the information that helps in taking proper care of the wound.
• The surgeon will clean the skin at the site of surgery with a special soap that helps in killing the bacteria and germ of the wound.
• Suggesting the patient not to shave near the area of surgery as shaving with razor irritates skin and develops the chance of infection.